Smite France Notes du Patch du 24 Octobre 2017 – Smite France

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Patch 4.20 : Marée de Chine

Merci à FunSoluces et Kingkkrool pour la traduction.


Nouveaux Costumes de Dieux


Bacchus Super Zen (Super Chill)

(Costume Exclusif – Odyssée 2018)

Fonds d’Écran : 1920×1080 | 2560×1440 | 3840×2160 | 1080×1920

He Bo Ruée de Pixels (Pixel Rush)

(Costume Exclusif – Odyssée 2018)

Fonds d’Écran : 1920×1080 | 2560×1440 | 3840×2160 | 1080×1920

Ao Kuang Vipère des Sables (Sand Viper)

(Costume Exclusif – Odyssée 2018)

Fonds d’Écran : 1920×1080 | 2560×1440 | 3840×2160 | 1080×1920

Neith Défenseuse Mystique (Mystic Defender)

(Costume Exclusif – Pack Digital de Récompenses SWC)

Fonds d’Écran : 1920×1080 | 2560×1440 | 3840×2160 | 1080×1920

Aphrodite Reine SWC 2018 (SWC 2018 Queen)

(Costume Exclusif – Pack Digital de Récompenses SWC)

Fonds d’Écran : 1920×1080 | 2560×1440 | 3840×2160 | 1080×1920

Thor Roi SWC 2018 (SWC 2018 King)

(Costume Exclusif – Pack Digital de Récompenses SWC)

Fonds d’Écran : 1920×1080 | 2560×1440 | 3840×2160 | 1080×1920

Cernunnos Convention 2018

(Costume Exclusif – Pack Digital de Récompenses SWC)

Fonds d’Écran : 1920×1080 | 2560×1440 | 3840×2160 | 1080×1920

Mise à Jour des Costumes de Maîtrise de He Bo

Fonds d’Ecran : 1920×1080 | 2560×1440 | 3840×2160 | 1080×1920



  • Costumes Achetables
    • ► Pack de Commentateur Super Zen
    • ► He Bo Ruée de Pixels (Idée de “OreoLeSasquatch”)
    • ► Ao Kuang Vipère des Sables
  • Objet Bonus
    • ► Bacchus Super Zen
  • Nouvelles Quêtes et Accomplissements
    • ► 7 Quêtes Chinoises
    • ► Accomplissements Conquérant Chinois (Récompense : Écran de Chargement Chinois)



  • Costumes
    • ► Neith Défenseuse Mystique
    • ► Aphrodite Reine SWC 2018
    • ► Thor Roi SWC 2018
    • ► Cernunnos Convention 2018
  • Objets de Profil
    • ► Emote Globale Numéro Un
    • ► Sigle de Rappel SWC 2018
    • ► Costume de Balise SWC 2018
  • Coffre Divin
  •  750 Points de Fantaisie



  • Beaucoup d’objets ont eu droit à une refonte artistique ou à un ajustement pour les rendre plus cohérents avec le thème coloré de leur arbre. Voici la liste des objets avec un nouveau dessin.
    • Serre de Bancroft (Bancroft’s Talon)
    • Livre des Morts (Book of the Dead)
    • Condamneur (Deathbringer)
    • Malice
    • Forge de Sang (Bloodforge)
    • Anneau Accéléré (Hastened Ring)
    • Anneau des Telchines (Telkhine’s Ring)
    • Marteau d’Épine Noire (Blackthorn Hammer)
    • Lance de Désolation (Spear of Desolation)
    • Dévoreur d’Âmes (Soul Eater)
    • Chaussures (Shoes)
    • Chaussures Magiques (Magic Shoes)
    • Chaussures de Concentration (Shoes of Focus)
    • Chaussures du Mage (Shoes of the Magi)
    • Chaussures Renforcées (Reinforced Shoes)
    • Bottes du Voyageur (Travelers Shoes)
    • Bottes (Boots)
    • Bottes de Combat (Combat Boots)
    • Tabi de Ninja (Ninja Tabi)
    • Tabi de Guerrier (Warrior Tabi)
    • Grèves Renforcées (Reinforced Greaves)
  • Les joueurs peuvent maintenant utiliser correctement les options du Pack de Commentateur aléatoire et de l’Écran de Chargement aléatoire sur leur profil.
  • Correction d’un problème où le mode Spectateur oubliait parfois les Accolades/Séries de Meurtres/Destruction d’Objectifs.
  • Correction d’un problème où quelques vidéos de l’Odyssée n’étaient pas jouées dans certains pays.
  • Correction d’un problème avec la texture du Roi Démon Taureau en Entraînement 3v3.


Corrections de Bugs – Dieux



  • Tous les Dieux qui utilisent une Ruée contrôlée (Dégagez le Passage de Vamana, Frappe Sumo de Kuzenbo) purgeaient toujours les Enracinements au lancement mais étaient affectés par les Enracinements pendant leur charge, à moins qu’il soit précisé dans la description qu’ils sont Immunisés aux Enracinements lors de leur Ruée. Les Dieux suivants ont eu leur Ruée ajustée pour être cohérente avec cette règle.
    • ► Rouleau de Geb
    • ► 72 Transformations de Sun Wukong : Forme de Tigre
    • ► 72 Transformations d’Er Lang Shen : Forme de Loutre
    • ► 72 Transformations d’Er Lang Shen : Forme de Tortue
    • ► Frappe Sumo de Kuzenbo



Chauve-Souris Vampires (Vampire Bats)

  • Mise à Jour de la description pour indiquer que les gros monstres de la jungle peuvent être marqués, plutôt que de juste parler des monstres porteurs de bonus. Les gros monstres de la jungle sont : tous les porteurs de bonus, le gros Élémental de Feu, les Harpies Oracles.




  • Correction des descriptions des compétences pour refléter les modifications du 4.19.



Pào Lào (Paolao)

  • Correction d’un problème où le Pào Lào de Daji n’apparaissait pas si elle était hors du champ de vision ou trop loin.



Puissant Bâillement (Mighty Yawn)

  • Correction d’un problème où la purge aux Ralentissements de Vitesse de Déplacement de Puissant Bâillement pouvait aussi purger le Ralentissement de Vitesse d’Attaque.




  • Correction d’un problème où les effets spéciaux du costume de Raiden Chef de Guerre ne convenait pas à la taille de ses Attaques de Base.



Ombrellerang (Umbrellarang)

  • Correction d’un problème où la purge aux Ralentissements de Vitesse de Déplacement d’Ombrellerang pouvait aussi purger le Ralentissement de Vitesse d’Attaque.


Équilibrages – Objets



Dévoreur d’Âmes (Soul Eater)

Nouvel Objet : Dévoreur d’Âmes & Dévoreur d’Âmes Amélioré

Soul Eater has had a long history of balance stats between offense, defense, and sustain. With this redesign we wanted to focus on bringing a unique passive effect to SMITE that cannot be found in any other items, and adjust its stats to compliment that effect.

Physical Ability users (Assassins largely) have struggled to have a sustain item that works for them. Soul Eater will allow these characters to sustain based on the damage their abilities deal. It provides Physical Power, Mana, and Cooldown which are all stat lines that Physical Ability users love. Now most Assassins will have a sustain option available to them that can scale well into the late game and help them engage more often.

It will be an Evolving item featuring a new way of gaining stacks. It gains stacks on anything dying (include friendly gods and minions). Soul Eater does not care what it eats, as long as it gets fed. It will gain additional stacks when Large Jungle Monsters die, so players who focus on ganking as well as jungling will see an increase in how fast it stacks.

Overall, we are excited for this new Soul Eater and are excited to see how players fit this into their builds.

  • 2400 d’Or
  • +30 de Puissance Physique
  • +10% de Vol de Vie Physique
  • +10% de Réduction de Temps de Rechargement
  • PASSIF – Chaque fois que quelqu’un meurt à côté de vous, vous gagnez une Charge. Les Dieux, les gros monstres de jungle et les boss de jungle confèrent 5 Charge. À 100 Charges, Dévoreur d’Âmes évolue, conférant +20 de Puissance Physique et permettant à vos compétences de vous soigner à hauteur de 10% des dégâts infligés.

Gantelet Relié (Bound Gauntlet)


  • Suppression des +10% de Réduction aux Effets de Contrôles.
  • Ajout de +15 de Puissance Physique.

Amélioration de Bouclier d’Épines (Shield of Thorns Upgrade)

Shield of Thorns is an aggressive counter to Mages and Hunters, allowing Tankier gods to put their life on the line to stop their enemies’ Damage output. While this kind of relic allows for healthy counterplay options, the upgraded duration was reaching into unfun territory. We are reducing the duration of this Relic to lower how long players need to play around this effect. With this counter option becoming weaker we are also looking at Hunter’s, which this Relic affected the most. Executioner will see adjustments as a result.

  • Réduction de la Durée de 8s à 5s.

L’Exécuteur (The Executioner)

As stated above, Thorns provides a much needed answer to Hunter focused strategies. Hunters have a strong power curve that can be game changing mid and late game, and recently teams have been adjusting their playstyle to allow their Hunters to reach this point as early as possible. With Thorns seeing a slight reduction in power, we wanted to address Hunters at the same time. Executioner has become core in each hunter build; working well with Devo’s Gloves, on-hit builds, and heavy Power & Crit builds alike. We are increasing its cost to better reflect its power and flexibility in Hunter builds.

  • Augmentation du Coût de 2250 à 2350.


Équilibrages – Dieux



Amaterasu is getting a buff. She has been struggling in performance at all levels of Conquest play and has only seen sparing use in the Smite Pro League. This has largely been a result of both Warrior and Conquest meta shifts that have pushed her out on the Solo lane in favor of stronger duelists. While we had expectations that other Warrior nerfs and Death’s Toll adjustments would bring her overall performance back up, this has not been the case.

We are focusing on improving her Heavenly Reflection by lowering its Cooldown and Cost. Casting this ability more often will help her overall presence in teamfights, while also giving her access to her primary clear skill more often. This is especially helpful as this ability does not go on cooldown until it is fired, meaning charging this ability can add up to 5 seconds. We will continue to watch her performance in the coming patches.

Reflet Céleste (Heavenly Reflection)

  •  Réduction du Temps de Rechargement de 14s à 12s.
  •  Réduction du Coût de Mana de 70/75/80/85/90 à 60/65/70/75/80.


Even though recent nerfs have brought Artio much closer to a balanced state, she has still been slightly overperforming and will see a nerf this patch. HerPick/Ban rate in the SPL and Ranked has been incredibly high (even if her Win rate in has not matched), and her performance at most skill levels is higher than many guardians. This shows us she is still stagnating diversity among her class.

With this in mind, we wanted to take a look at her overall tankiness. She has strong crowd control and self healing with a max health pool only outclasses by Ymir. We are reducing it from 2500 at Max level to 2400, lowering how much damage she can take during a fight and limiting how much self healing she can store as raw health. She should be more vulnerable in teamfights, especially if she goes with a bruiser item build.


  •  Réduction de la Santé de Base par Niveau de 100 à 95.


Guan Yu is getting some love this patch. Since his rework he has been on the cusp of being “viable”, as his stats have shown he performs fairly well in skilled hands. We want to enable those players more and highlight Guan Yu’s unique niche role as a team healing Warrior.

His base mana is seeing an increase, allowing him to cast more abilities throughout the game. Considering his ability to reduce cooldown and his ability to spam skills, this should go a long way at helping Guan Yu keep fighting. We are also reducing the Mana cost of his heal to further this point. Healing is a unique part of Guan Yu and players should feel good about casting this skill in between their other skills. We expect these changes to help him stay in fights longer, while he helps his team do the same.


  •  Augmentation du Mana par Niveau de 32 à 35.

  •  Réduction du Coût de Mana de 60/65/70/75/80 à 60 à tous les niveaux.


Izanami is seeing a nerf this patch. Her changes to Fade Away and Dark Portal helped her performance (which had been suffering) but the amount she jumped up was impressive, nearly topping all gods in all levels of skill. These changes were still positive, as they helped some key frustration points for Izanami players, but other parts of her kit need to be toned down with her more reliable escape and Ultimate. We knew these changes would help her, but wanted to see the results of the changes before going forward with nerfs. That time has come.

Fade Away’s stealth duration is being reduced, lowering the time she can sneak around a fight before rejoining it. People chasing Izanami will also have a better chance of finding her, as the distance she can cover will be less. In addition, Dark Portal is seeing Base Damage, Physical Power scaling, and a Silence duration decrease. Since this damage is more confirmable, it’s especially high scaling made her incredibly punishing late game. This has been reduced to a more reasonable level.

Disparition (Fade Away)

  •  Réduction de la Durée d’Invisibilité de 4/4,5/5/5,5/6s à 3/3,5/4/4,5/5s.
Portail des Ténèbres (Dark Portal)

  •  Réduction des Dégâts de 250/350/450/550/650 à 220/320/420/520/620.
  •  Réduction de la Contribution Physique de 130% à 100%.
  •  Réduction de la Durée du Silence de 1,5/1,75/2/2,25/2,5s à 1,5/1,65/1,8/1,95/2,1s.


Kumbhakarna’s had a nice long nap and is ready to brawl. Kumbhakarna has struggled as a Guardian, seeing only limited success at most skill ranges. His ability to control a single enemy player is high, and we wanted to highlight this strength further by giving his allies more opportunities to capitalize on this playstyle.

We are lowering the cooldown on Epic Uppercut at all but his last rank to give him more chances in a match to setup a target for his team to follow up on. We wanted this change to be more early and mid game focused, which results in the slight increase at Level 20 (which for most Supports/Guardians is the very late game). We have also increased the audio queue for when this ability is cast in both volume and its overall FX. Players of both teams should better realize that Kumbhakarna has cast this skill and follow up on this skill more appropriately.

Uppercut Épique (Epic Uppercut)

  • • Ajustement du Temps de Rechargement de 90/85/80/75/70s à 75s à tous les niveaux.
  •  Augmentation et ajustement du son de cette compétence lui permettant de mieux entendre les autres compétences.


Poseidon and his Kraken are getting some consistency improvements that should help him out. Through this season he has been largely pushed out by other mages and he has suffered as a result. In patches past we reduced his movement speed heavily to help players deal with his rotation potential, and that largely hurt his ability to be a strong pick for a team.

Our first buff is giving him ‘some’ of that Movement Speed back on Trident. Players will need to spend the cooldown and mana to increase their movement around the map, but if they want to rotate, engage, or escape he will have the speed to help him. The second buff is to increase his consistency in a team fight. Release the Kraken can be a powerful burst tool, but the difference between getting someone in the center vs. just the outside radius was large making this ability highly variable in how it helped your team. We are evening the damage between the inner ring and center radius, keeping the burst damage the same but helping it deal more AoE damage to the enemy team.


  •  Augmentation de la Vitesse de Déplacement de 5/10/15/20/25% à 10/15/20/25/30%.
Libération du Kraken ! (Release the Kraken!)

  •  Peut maintenant être lancé dans les murs des joueurs (comme la Faille Tectonique de Thor).
  •  Augmentation des dégâts de la couronne extérieure de 170/195/220/245/270 (+30% de votre Puissance Magique) à 175/210/245/280/315 (+45% de votre Puissance Magique).
  •  Réduction des dégâts de la zone centrale de 180/220/260/300/340 (60% de votre Puissance Magique) à 175/210/245/280/315 (+45% de votre Puissance Magique).
  •  Dégâts totaux augmentés de 350/415/480/545/610 à 350/420/490/560/630.
  •  Les dégâts sont maintenant répartis entre la zone centrale et la couronne extérieure, faisant que si une cible est touchée aux deux endroits, elle continuera de subir les deux dégâts alors que les joueurs touchés dans la couronne extérieure recevront plus de dégâts lors du 4.19.


We are continuing with our adjustments to Raijin, both for balance and visual clarity. Percussive Storm’s hitbox has helped him perform more consistently and given players better feedback for where the ability will hit. Keeping the radius at 6 units allowed players to get a feel that was as close to the previous versions but with projectiles of a constant size. After collecting the data from 4.19 it does seem that keeping it at 6 units for the entire projectile is too strong.

Percussive Storm’s radius is being reduced to 4.5 units for each projectile, making this ability harder to hit, but still more consistent and more visually clear that previous Raijin iterations. The targeter is also seeing an improvement, showing the area where the projectiles on the final double shot overlap. Hitting in this area will cause you to hit with both projectiles.

Raijin’s Ability 2 projectile speed change in 4.19 was reverted before it ever launched to live, as it didn’t solve the problem of how unclear the abilities visuals were. In this patch we are introducing different fixes that don’t change his power level, but instead improve his visual clarity. Raiju has a delayed hit FX after the area of effect is triggered where the ability singles out a target to be afflicted by the Raiju. Lowering the time between the area and the single target being affected by the debuff will help the ability flow more naturally. Also, the Area of Effect visuals will now always be visible, giving players a clear view of where Raiju’s circle targeter hit. Finally, Raijin players will also have a better idea of who Raiju will hit by only highlighting whoever is closest to the center, giving real time feedback as to who is likely to be hit and how this ability functions.

Tempête de Percussions (Percussive Storm)

  •  Réduction de la Portée des Projectiles de 6 unités à 4,5 unités.
  • Mise à jour des effets spéciaux du cibleur au sol pour mieux coller à la zone des projectiles pour le double coup.
Raijū (Raiju)

  •  Les joueurs frappés par Raijū auront maintenant un effet visuel plus rapide jusqu’à leur Dieu.
  • Correction d’un problème où l’effet visuel au sol n’affichait pas quand une cible avait été touchée.
  • Correction d’un problème où toutes les cibles dans le cibleur de Raijū pouvaient être surlignées plutôt que la cible la plus proche du centre.


Zeus is ready to bring the lightning! Zeus has had a tough time in Season 4, seeing only limited success early on in the Season. Since then he has been struggling and trailing behind most other mages. His early Conquest clear leaves him in an awkward spot, as there are many strategies to counter an already complex clear tool.

Aegis Assault will now trigger a static AoE when hit by Chain Lightning, giving Zeus an extra way to quickly proc more damage before minions can move away from the shield. He can also use this technique to stack more charges on Enemy gods, speeding up his burst damage. Chain Lightning is also receiving a slight scaling increase to help Zeus remain threatening late game. His scaling is lower than most mages, but he was really struggling in hyper late game to make the impact players want from their mages.

Assaut d’Égide (Aegis Assault)

  •  La zone d’Assaut d’Égide se déclenche si l’Égide est touchée par Chaîne d’Éclairs de Zeus.
Chaîne d’Éclairs (Chain Lightning)

  •  Augmentation de la Contribution Magique de 40% à 50%.


2 Commentaire(s) SUR " Notes du Patch du 24 Octobre 2017 "

  • alt_example

    raffin 4 novembre 2017 at 13 h 40 min - Reply

    Bonjour,excusez moi mais je voulais savoir quand t’es que on pourras avoir le patch 4.20 sur console moi xbox one car on n’est le 4novembre et toujours pas eu de mise a jour pour ce patch. je vous remercie

    • alt_example

      FunSoluces 4 novembre 2017 at 19 h 25 min - Reply

      D’après Reddit, le Lundi 6 Novembre 2017 🙂

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