Smite France Notes du Patch du Mardi 25 Juin 2024 – Smite France

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Patch 11.6

Notes de Mise à Jour Bonus 11.6

Equilibrage Bonus


Bâton de Merlin (Staff of Myrddin)
We are very happy with the performance of mages in the early game, but a common complaint that has been raised is that their burst damage scales very well throughout the midgame. We want to address this issue with a light hand, only providing a slight nerf to an item that enables a high level of burst.
  • Réduction du bonus de dégâts infligés de 20% à 15%.

Gourdin (Cudgel)

Because we adjusted a number of item power spikes over the last few patches, it has come to our attention that Cudgel outmatches its other Tier 1 competition. Generally, we are okay with it being slightly more efficient, especially because for many players, the value is made back later in the power of the Tier 3s they purchase.
  • Réduction de la Santé de 75 à 50.

Marteau d’Epine Sombre (Blackthorn Hammer)
Within the last few patches, Blackthorn has become more popular than ever! Especially alongside the TTK changes, many players are concerned with the level of tankiness and power that this item provides.
  • Réduction de la Santé de 350 à 300.

Cape Prophétique Evoluée (Evolved Prophetic Cloak)
With the decrease in Protections across the board, it felt fair to slightly reduce the threshold for Prophetic Cloak. However, because this item is already a mainstay in many supportive builds, we must give it a slight nerf to compensate.
  • Réduction du premier seuil de Protections de 325 à 300.
  • Réduction du second seuil de Protections de 525 à 500.
  • Réduction de la première Atténuation de Dégâts 7,5% à 6%.
  • Réduction de la seconde Atténuation de Dégâts 7,5% à 6%.

Maille de Bronze (Bronze Mail)
Though this Tier 2 item may not be perceived as particularly strong, it had some unintended interactions with gods like Jormungandr who Basic Attack very frequently. This cooldown will help to prevent these circumstances while not strongly affecting many other characters.
  • Ajout d’un Temps de Rechargement du passif de 1s.

Hache du Guerrier (Warrior’s Axe)
With the decrease in Base Health, early game skirmishes have been swinging surprisingly hard in the Solo lane for Warrior’s Axe purchasers. Just a slight decrease in damage and healing will bring it more in line with the new TTK.
  • Réduction des dégâts de base de 30 à 25.
  • Réduction de la restauration de la Santé et du Mana de 30 à 25.

Flèche Dorée (Gilded Arrow)
Hunters have been back and forth between the more sustain-oriented Starter Items, but we wanted to mix it up by giving more opportunities to micromanage their economy in the early game.
  • Réduction du Temps de Rechargement de 10s à 8s.

Don de la Sentinelle (Sentinel’s Gift)
We have noticed an uncharacteristic uptick in early Support deaths compared to other classes, so we are slightly adjusting the two less popular Starter Items to provide just a hair of extra tankiness early.
  • Augmentation de la Santé de 75 à 100.

Bienfaisance (Benevolence)
Benevolence is another item that was adjusted lower than the point of balance when hit by the Maximum Health decrease.
  • Augmentation de la Santé de 75 à 100.
  • Augmentation du Soin de 0,6% à 1% de votre Santé maximale.

Bâton de l’Ensorceleur (Sorcerer’s Staff)
With the decrease in Max Health, we wanted to provide a bit more benefit to those opting into this Health-oriented Magical tree.
  • Augmentation de la restauration de Santé et du Mana de 10% à 15%.
Especially in this bursty meta, Bastet is a character that has been running the show lately. With our recent adjustments to some of the utility around Ensnaring Claw, it is only fitting for it to be the recipient of additional nerfs.

Griffe Trappeuse (Ensnaring Claw)
  • Réduction des dégâts d’Enracinement de 60/95/130/165/200+65% à 55/90/125/160/195+60%.
  • Réduction du Ralentissement de 25% à 20%.
  • Augmentation du Temps de Rechargement de 12s à 14/13,5/13/12,5/12s.
Chang’e has a surprising amount of burst, and her popularity has risen quite a lot over the last patch. Because she is relatively new to the spotlight, we don’t want to nerf her too hard.

Lièvre de Jade (Jade Rabbit)
  • Réduction du malus de dégâts subis de 5% à 4%.
Shorter TTK times means less time in actual God combat, which has made it more difficult for Hera to trigger her Passive. Reducing the cooldown of Royal Assault should make up for this, as well as buff her wave clear, which is another area she has fallen behind other top mages.

Assaut Royal (Royal Assault)
  • Réduction du Temps de Rechargement de 10s à 8s.

Argos, le Défenseur (Argus, the Defender)
  • Augmentation des dégâts et les soins des effets se déclenchant sur les compétences de 50% à 100%.
Perhaps the most late game Hunter of all, Jing Wei is struggling to get through the early stages of the match. With slight buffs to her clear and her escape, we hope to ease the path to late game for her so that she can reach her full potential.

Rafale Persistante (Persistent Gust)
  • Augmentation des dégâts par à-coup de 15/25/35/45/55 à 20/30/40/50/60.

Agilité (Agility)
  • Modification du Coût de 75/70/65/60/55 à 60 à tous les Niveaux.
  • Réduction du Temps de Rechargement de 18/18/17/17/16s à 18/17,5/17/16,5/16s.
The Jungle has become largely dominated by ability-based Assassins, leaving the late-game Mercury in the dust. We intend to catch Mercury back up to speed with some moderate changes across the board.

Vitesse Maximum (Maximum Velocity)
  • Réduction du Temps de Rechargement de 18/17/16/15/14s à 16/15,5/15/14,5/14s.

Livraison Spéciale (Special Delivery)
  • Augmentation des dégâts de base par à-coup de 10/15/20/25/30 à 15/20/25/30/35.

Coup Supersonique (Sonic Boom)
  • Réduction du Temps de Rechargement de 100s à 90s.
The Morrigan relies heavily on getting close to her enemies, and the TTK changes have made that quite a bit more difficult! We’re adding just a bit more tankiness to her base stats; hopefully just enough to alleviate some of her issues.

  • Augmentation de la Santé de Base de 400 à 450.
  • Augmentation de la Protection Physique de Base de 12 à 14.

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  1. ► Jonathan Verpillot - 50.00 €
  2. ► Robin Misiak - 50.00 €
  3. ► Createcraft - 33.09 €
  4. ► Maxime Degheselle - 19.00 €
  5. ► Florimon Rousseau - 15.00 €
  6. ► Tilican - 11.00 €
  7. ► KaijuFenrir666 - 11.00 €
  8. ► Messyat - 10.00 €
  9. ► Jérémie Van Den Broeck - 10.00 €
  10. ► Lemathelin - 9.06 €
  11. ► Enzo Péric - 6.00 €
  12. ► Charles Delon - 5.00 €
  13. ► HH15HH - 5.00 €
  14. ► Venios twich - 5.00 €
  15. ► Kevin Bonavita - 5.00 €
  16. ► Levia - 5.00 €
  17. ► Auto-Entrepreneur - 3.00 €
  18. ► Furkan Celik - 3.00 €
  19. ► Taha Benbrahim - 2.85 $
  20. ► Dave Brillant - 2.00 €
  21. ► Soonkay - 2.00 €
  22. ► Enzo Péric - 1.00 €
  23. ► Jérémy KELLER - 1.00 €
  24. ► Matthieu Grandjean - 1.00 €
  25. ► Nathan Plisson - 1.00 €
  26. ► CAFARD - 1.00 €
  27. ► soimitD - 1.00 €

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[Dernière mise à jour : 09/07/2019]

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